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7 Things to Consider Before Getting Breast Implants

As with any type of cosmetic surgery, considering a breast augmentation with implants is an important decision not to be taken lightly or decided on a whim. There are multiple factors to consider when choosing implants for your breast augmentation. We’ve put together seven factors worth considering before having your breast augmentation.

1. Are breast implants your best option for breast augmentation in terms of your health, goals, and body proportions?

You may want to consider other options for enhancing your breasts outside of implants when looking into breast augmentation. For patients who prefer only a subtle enhancement and would rather not have a foreign object placed into their body, Dr. Liland creates long-lasting results with a fat transfer breast augmentation. 

If you’re only looking for a minimal increase in your breast size, you may be able to achieve your ideal results more naturally with a fat-transfer breast augmentation. If you want a more dramatic change in the size of your breasts, implants are your best option.

Breast augmentation with implants is not ideal if you:

  • Are pregnant or breastfeeding
  • Have an underlying infection
  • Have breast cancer or an abnormal mammogram
  • Are a smoker
  • Have unrealistic expectations

2. If sagging breasts is your issue, implants may not be the answer.

Simply inserting implants cannot fix sagging breasts. If you’re looking to lift the placement of your breasts higher onto your chest after the effects of aging or breastfeeding have caused your tissue to stretch, you will need to consider a breast lift (mastopexy). You can pair a breast lift with an augmentation if you want to lift and add volume to your breasts.

A breast augmentation mastopexy may be the perfect option for you if your breasts appear saggy and deflated, as it can lift the placement of your breasts, remove excess skin, and add some extra volume all in one procedure. Breast augmentation with a lift is a favorite of mothers who have lost the fullness of their pre-baby breasts.

Learn more about combining breast augmentation with a breast lift.

3. Further ahead may need another breast surgery to swap your implants with new ones.

Some patients may keep the same implants for over two decades, but most return for a breast augmentation revision surgery at the 10-15 year mark. This decision isn’t necessarily always because anything is “wrong” with the original implants, but rather for reassurance that they have the newest, safest version of the devices in their bodies. Breast implant exchange is a type of breast implant revision surgery in which previously placed implants are removed and replaced with new implants.

Other breast augmentation patients sometimes have their implants replaced or permanently removed because of ruptures or capsular contracture. These complications are uncommon but have routine procedures readily available to address them.

Most patients who come to Dr. Liland interested in breast implant exchange desire a new set of implants as their current implants have been in for many years. You may end up seeking breast implant exchange one day if you no longer feel comfortable in your current implant size because of your job, children, or other reasons related to getting older and wanting a more mature look. Not everyone desires the busty, uncomfortable look they had in their 20s!

Learn more about the reasons for getting your breast implants replaced.

4. Choosing the right breast implant has multiple facets. Take your time!

Choosing an implant goes beyond CCs and saline vs. silicone. You’ll also need to consider the shape, texture, and profile.

When you meet with a board-certified plastic surgeon like Dr. Liland to decide the best implant for you, you and the surgeon will need to work together to find the perfect implant for you, considering the following:

  • Type of implant: saline or silicone?
  • Size (CCs): patients typically choose sizes between 250-500cc
  • Shape: round or tear-dropped?
  • Texture: smooth or textured shell?
  • Profile: low profile, moderate profile, moderate plus profile, high profile, or ultra-high profile?

5. Know the potential complications and side effects, big or small.

Breast augmentation is safe but has risks and side effects like any surgical procedure. Initial, minor side effects include swelling, soreness, and bruising. Other side effects and potential risks include:

  • Infection or bleeding
  • Breast pain and possible shoulder or neck pain if you opt for heavy implants
  • Scar tissue can form around the implant and cause capsular contracture, warranting revision surgery.
  • Implants may change position or rupture
  • Inability to breastfeed
  • Changes in breast or nipple sensation
  • Possible complications when getting mammograms 

6. Final results take time to reveal.

Be prepared to have some swelling and bruising after your breast augmentation. Swelling can take weeks to resolve, it can take up to 3 to 4 months to see your final results, and the implants take time to settle into your body. It can take six months to become accustomed to your implants and for them to feel like a natural part of your body. Be patient with your body. Your results will be worth it in the end.

7. Be prepared for downtime.

After your breast augmentation, you should rest, avoiding most activity for the first two weeks following your surgery. If you want to heal correctly,  take a break from intense cardio and weight lifting. Arrange for someone to care for you for at least the first few days of recovery, as movement will be uncomfortable. 

You should not have raised blood pressure during the recovery and healing period. If possible, but especially when your job involves a lot of activity and stress, you should take two weeks off. You may be allowed to exercise lightly between 4 to 6 weeks after your breast augmentation. However, understand that you won’t be cleared to lift weights, especially targeting the pec area, until the 6 to 8-week mark for best healing. Be prepared to let your body heal before beginning your usual gym routine.

Dr. Liland will discuss and prescribe any recommended pain medication after the surgery, and you will need to wear compression garments on your breasts to reduce swelling. You may also have drains or stitches that need removal at a follow-up appointment. If either is necessary, Dr. Liland will discuss this with you and the procedure for their removal.

Are you ready for a breast augmentation with implants?

If you’ve considered all the information above and still believe breast implants are the correct procedure, schedule a free consultation with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. David Liland in Dallas.  During the consultation, he will discuss your goals and advise if breast augmentation is the most suitable option.