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Thigh Lift Dallas

As a result of weight loss, excess skin can occur on the thighs and be a cause of insecurity.

Dr. Liland helps his Thigh Lift Dallas patients achieve more contoured and toned thighs.

3500 Oak Lawn Ave
Ste 160

What Is A Thigh Lift?

A thigh lift or leg lift is a cosmetic procedure designed to improve the shape of the inner thigh by removing excess skin from the area. It consists of a lift in which the excess skin is removed from the inside of the leg. The scar is then hidden in the inner thigh fold, between the pubic area and the thigh. The result is a smoother, tighter-looking inner thigh and the procedure has an 86% worth-it rating on RealSelf.

In many cases, patients have experienced a large weight loss, resulting in a saggy appearance to the skin. A thigh lift can help achieve a smoother and firmer look. A surgical thigh lift removes skin that has lost its elasticity, improving the overall appearance of the thigh area, although focusing specifically on the inner thigh. For patients who also have concerns over unwanted fat deposits that they have not been able to easily lose through diet and exercise, Liposuction of the thighs can be performed alongside the lift.

Who Is An Ideal Candidate For A Thigh Lift?

If considering a thigh lift, you will make a good candidate if you:

  • Have realistic expectations regarding the thigh lift, and you fully understand that the thigh lift will not necessarily change your looks to match your ideal
  • Are in good health, emotionally stable, and do not have any pre-existing medical conditions
  • Feel the inner thighs are too saggy, and feel self-conscious wearing shorts and/or swimsuits
  • Have lost a significant amount of weight due to bariatric surgery or traditional weight loss methods such as diet and/or exercise

Preparing For A Thigh Lift

Before the Consultation

It is important to research the procedure and to be clear on the goals of your surgery. It is also advisable to bring photos of your ideal result and a list of any questions or concerns you wish to discuss during the consultation.


Dr. Liland will assess physical and emotional health, discuss expectations regarding the thigh lift procedure, and examine the skin for firmness and elasticity. You will be able to discuss the areas you would like to see improvement, the incisions, and the risks involved with the thigh lift procedure. Dr. Liland will also show several pre and post-op pictures of the thigh lift procedure.

Before the Procedure

It is important that our Dallas Thigh Lift patients stop smoking at least six weeks before their procedure to reduce the risk of complications. Dr. Liland may also recommend that you stop taking certain medications such as aspirin, which could also increase the chance of risks occurring after the surgery.

How Is A Thigh Lift Performed?


General anesthesia is used to perform the thigh lift. A Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist administers the anesthesia. For more information regarding the sedation available, you can visit our Sedation Options page.


The incision used to perform the thigh lift is placed in the groin area beneath the bikini line. A crescent of skin is removed from the groin, then the tissues below the incision are loosened and the “thigh lift” takes place as the skin is pulled up and the incision sutured shut.

Closing the Incisions

Dr. Liland will close the incisions with gentle techniques to minimize scarring. The incision line is also typically made in the inner thigh fold so that scarring will be hidden as much as possible.

A thigh lift is designed to remove excess skin to tighten and help contour the thighs.

More Information

Recovery From A Thigh Lift

Arrange for an adult to drive you to and from your procedure and you must also arrange for an adult to stay with you for 24 hours after the procedure. You will probably feel tired and sore for several days after the thigh lift procedure. However, within one or two days you should be up and around. Avoid bending and heavy lifting. Do not place unnecessary pressure on the stitches. After the first dressing change, wear the compression garment continuously day and night to support and position the skin.

Most of our Dallas Thigh Lift patients are able able to return to work in a couple of weeks and exercise more rigorously in about four to six weeks. However, you may resume all normal activities after three weeks of the procedure.

After the thigh lift procedure, you can expect an immediate improvement in the contour of the thighs, and this will continue to improve as the swelling subsides over the next several months. The sagging, hanging folds of skin will have disappeared and the thighs will appear tighter and possibly smoother. However, the final contour and appearance will not be fully realized for several months after the procedure. The scars from the procedure are permanent and obvious for the first few months but will fade with time.


Initial Side Effects:

  • Pain
  • Swelling

Thigh Lift Risks:

  • Bleeding
  • Deep Vein Thrombosis
  • Fluid accumulation
  • Infection
  • Fat necrosis (fat tissue dying)

General Surgery Risks:

  • Infections
  • An allergic reaction to the anesthetic
  • Blood clots (can lead to DVT)

“Wonderful experience and fantastic results with Dr. Liland and his staff. If I had known how easy and quick the recovery would be, I would have done it much sooner.”

N. Fatemian

Other Procedures You May Be Interested In

Dr. Liland is a board-certified plastic surgeon. He has years of experience in cosmetic surgery and can provide a full range of procedures.

If you want to take the next step and learn more about your options, contact us online or call us. Dr. Liland will help you determine whether treatment is right for you and, if so, which solution best suits your needs.