In many aspects of society, breasts are the epitome of femininity.
Some women, who genetically have smaller breasts, opt to get breast implants to feel more feminine. Meanwhile, others opt for implants after recovering from breast cancer and having a mastectomy. Some may get implants because they simply don’t like the shape of their natural breasts or how they sit.
Whatever your reason for getting implants, you must research as much as possible and ask a trusted, knowledgeable surgeon any questions you may have about breast implants ahead of your breast augmentation surgery. Before performing a breast augmentation procedure, board-certified plastic surgeon, Dr. David Liland in Dallas, TX, is particular about being completely transparent regarding the potential risks and how results will look and feel with every single patient that comes through his door.
Implants aren’t for everyone, though, especially implants of larger sizes. As much as plastic surgeons try to educate patients during their consultation on what implants of different sizes will feel and look like, some patients don’t realize that some implant sizes can be uncomfortable until after being placed. Some patients may like the size of their implants but feel that their surgeon has placed them incorrectly. Other patients may be happy with their implants immediately after surgery but start experiencing complications as time progresses and consider a revision.
If you are unhappy with your breast implants, whatever the reason, the first thing to do is contact the surgeon who placed them. Once you talk to them honestly about your feelings regarding your new breasts, they should be able to lay out the best options for you and help you along the road to total confidence in your breasts. In most cases, returning for breast implant revision surgery would be recommended.
What is breast implant revision surgery?
During breast implant revision surgery, Dr. Liland replaces your old breast implants with new implants to improve the appearance of your breasts so that they look more like the results you wanted. Replacing them may not be necessary if the issue is the placement of the implants and not the size of them, but it is ideal to have the implant material replaced if you are reopening the incisions. Breast revision surgery may include a breast lift or reduction, as it typically involves not only switching implants but also lifting the breast and/or decreasing the breast size.
What is recovery like after breast implant revision surgery?
You should be able to return to usual day-to-day activities such as work, childcare, house chores, and light exercise one to two weeks after your breast implant revision surgery. You should, however, avoid all strenuous activities such as cardio or weight lifting for at least three weeks following your procedure. It is normal to have swelling, bruising, and numbness during recovery, and all of this should improve over the first two to three weeks. During recovery, your new implants are settling into their final position, and it is essential to rest and ensure they lay correctly and without complications. The more you undergo surgery at the same surgery site, the more difficult it becomes to do the procedure without any complications or meticulous skill from the surgeon, even after the scar tissue has settled into your skin. With this in mind, recovery may be slightly longer or more painful, but trust that Dr. Liland will do what he can to get you to your goal results as smoothly and painlessly as possible.
What is scarring like after breast implant revision surgery?
Understandably, if you were uncomfortable with your scars from your original breast augmentation procedure, you are probably concerned about whether breast implant revision surgery will create new ones. When Dr. Liland performs breast implant revisions, he endeavors to retrace scars from the previous breast surgery and minimize any new ones surrounding them. Just as scarring after your original breast augmentation did, your breast implant revision scars will initially appear red or pink and raised but will slowly fade to become much less noticeable.
How soon after my breast augmentation can I get a breast implant revision?
You should wait until one year after your initial breast augmentation procedure before getting revision surgery, as the scar tissue needs this time to soften and heal with your skin. If you are unhappy with your results after your breast augmentation, you should contact your breast surgeon as soon as possible, allowing you ample time to plan your solution together.
How much does breast implant revision surgery cost?
Here in Dallas, a traditional breast implant revision costs around $9,000-$10,000, but as mentioned above, it may include a breast lift to ensure lifted, perky results, which can increase the cost to the $11,000-$12,000 range.
Are there alternatives to breast implant revision surgery?
If you are unhappy with your breast implants for reasons other than the size, shape, or placement, your best option may be breast implant removal. Realizing implants are not for you after having them placed is okay. Some women experience unexplained symptoms after getting breast implants, a condition widely known as breast implant illness, and look into having their breast implants removed to ease their discomfort. During breast implant removal, Dr. Liland removes your implants. If you opt for an en-bloc capsulectomy, he will remove the entire scar tissue capsule surrounding the implants along with them. Depending on your preferences and candidacy for fat transfer, Dr. Liland may be able to replace the implants with fat so you can maintain volume after implant removal.
Am I a candidate for breast implant revision surgery?
In general, if you are unhappy with the appearance or feeling of your breasts for any reason or to any extent, you should reach out to your breast surgeon to discuss your candidacy for a breast implant revision. Characteristics of a good candidate for breast implant revision surgery include:
- You want to change the size of your breasts
- You are experiencing pain and infection from capsular contracture
- You are concerned about your implant rupturing or migrating
- You’ve decided to change the type of implant (saline to silicone)
- You have realistic expectations of how much your surgeon can do to make your goals a reality
- You are healthy enough to undergo the procedure without risks related to underlying health conditions
To summarize, if you are unhappy with your implants, you should take these steps to ensure you are happy with the appearance and feel of your breasts in the future:
- Contact the surgeon who placed your implants during your initial breast augmentation as soon as possible. Ask questions and listen closely to any recommendations they have about the next steps.
- If you no longer trust or want to go back to the surgeon who did your initial breast augmentation, research the best breast surgeons in your area and get a second or even a third opinion. Walk them through your story with complete honesty. You will most likely need to share the contact information of your original surgeon with any new surgeons so they can communicate with them about how they did the procedure and what caused your condition.
- Lay out a plan with your surgeon, new or old, to ensure you are happy with the look and feel of your breasts.
- Try to be positive and put trust in the surgeon you choose to do your breast implant revision. Have realistic expectations, bearing in mind that surgeons like Dr. Liland are working hard to make your dreams a reality.
If you are unhappy with your breast implants and are considering breast implant revision surgery, feel free to contact Dr. Liland at Park Cities Plastic Surgery in Dallas, TX, to lay out a plan to help you achieve your goals. Schedule a consultation with him, and he will listen closely to your situation and ask all the right questions to come up with the best options for your needs.