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The Average Cost Of A Blepharoplasty Procedure In Dallas

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The Average Cost Of A Blepharoplasty Procedure In Dallas

Blepharoplasty procedures are performed above or below the eye to remove excess skin or fat, tighten the muscles around the eye or reduce puffiness. Many patients wish to have surgery on their upper or lower eyelids to rejuvenize their appearance and remove wrinkles and sagging skin around their eyes. Other patients require upper eyelid surgery to improve their vision. Regardless of the reason for undergoing the surgery, the main question patients tend to ask is regarding the cost of the procedure. This blog aims to inform Dallas patients on the average cost of undergoing the different types of surgical eyelid procedures and how they can finance the surgery.


Blepharoplasty Cost

RealSelf states that the average cost of eyelid surgery in the United States is $4,625 but the cost of the procedure can range from between $75 to $9,200. There are many factors that will affect the cost of this procedure but the main one is which type of surgical procedure is undertaken. If upper lid surgery is being performed and is partially or mostly funded by an insurance provider then the cost for the patient can be extremely low. However, if a more complex upper and lower blepharoplasty technique is being performed and the patient is completely financing their procedure the cost can be much higher. Other factors that impact the cost include:

  • If another surgery is combined eg facelift or brow lift
  • Hospital or operating room charges 
  • Experience and expertise of surgeon 
  • Surgery location
  • Aftercare products
  • Consultations and check-up appointments 
  • Post procedure complications

It is important that patients see a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to discover their suitability for the various techniques and so they can receive a specific procedure price for what they wish to undergo. If you are interested in combining your procedure with a facelift you can view our ‘How Much Does A Facelift Cost In Dallas, Texas?‘ blog to find out how much the two surgeries cost.

Blepharoplasty Cost And Insurance Coverage

Whether or not your insurance company will pay for your surgery depends on the reason a patient is undergoing the surgery and will depend on the specific policy you have. Many patients undergo eyelid surgery for purely aesthetic reasons as they feel insecure over the appearance of their eyelids or under-eye areas. However, there are some instances where patients are recommended to undergo the surgery for medical reasons. In these instances, patients may qualify for coverage from their insurance provider and contact them to see if they qualify for funding under their policy. 

The main medical reason insurance providers may consider funding the surgery is if excess skin on the eyelid impairs a patient’s vision. Having significant skin on the eyelids can cause the eyelid to droop downwards and reduce a patient’s ability to see. It is natural for the eyelids to droop more as we age since the eyelids will stretch and the muscles around the eye will weaken which will result in them sagging. Additionally, excess fat can be gained around the eyes which will make the skin droop or sag more. For many patients, this merely causes aesthetic concerns as their eyes can appear smaller and look older. However, for other patients, their ability to see can actually be reduced as their peripheral vision is affected.

This means that upper eyelid surgery can be covered by insurance providers but it is quite rare for lower eyelid surgeries to be covered since it does not tend to pose health risks to the patient.

Generally, patients will need to provide evidence from a medical professional that states the surgery would be beneficial to them. According to Mayoclinic before insurance tends to cover the surgery patients often need to undergo both a physical and vision examination and have photographs of their eyelids from various angles. 

Lower Blepharoplasty Cost

Lower blepharoplasty procedures tend to be more expensive than procedures performed on the upper eyelids due to the fact they tend to be more complex and also often require a general anaesthetic which will add to the cost. This procedure is generally performed to improve the appearance of a patient’s under-eye bags by reducing puffiness or tightening the skin directly under the eye. 

Since this procedure is very unlikely to be covered by insurance it tends to cost at the higher end of the average price range provided by RealSelf. They state that the average cost range is between $75 and $9,200. 

Upper Blepharoplasty Cost

This procedure tends to be less expensive than lower blepharoplasty since the procedure is often performed using only a local anesthetic that is used to numb the area. A scalpel is used to create an incision line around the lash line and the extra skin can be removed and in some cases, fat can also be removed. 

Since patients can sometimes claim partial or full coverage for their procedure, the cost of an upper eyelid surgery can be very small or even fully financed. In cases where patients do not qualify for insurance, the cost is still likely to be at the lower end of the average price range due to the fact the procedure is the least complex type of procedure to undergo. This means that the cost of the procedure is likely to be lower than the average cost of $4,625 given by RealSelf

Transconjunctival Blepharoplasty Cost

This is a specific lower blepharoplasty technique that aims to reduce the appearance of dark circles and bags under a patient’s eyes and, according to RealSelf, does not leave a scar. Generally, the procedure consists of repositioning the fat in the patient’s under-eye. The idea is that because we lose fat as we age if too much fat is removed then the eyes may appear hollow in the future so for the best long-term results simply repositioning the fat is most effective. 

Since lower blepharoplasty procedures tend to be more expensive than upper eyelid surgeries, transconjunctival blepharoplasty procedures will also be more expensive. This is because the technique is performed on the lower eyes and uses a complex technique to reposition the fat which means the procedure tends to be on the higher end of the average price range. 

Laser Blepharoplasty Cost

Laser treatments are available that aim to tighten the skin around the eye. Healthline explains that laser skin resurfacing treatments can be used to help improve the appearance of the skin. There are different types of lasers available for patients but any form of laser blepharoplasty is more suitable for patients with mild to moderate concerns since less significant results can be achieved compared to surgical techniques. The cost of a treatment will vary depending on the size of the area and the type of laser used. The American Society of Plastic Surgery state that the average cost for laser skin resurfacing is around $1,445 to $2,509. 

Blepharoplasty Financing Options 

Even though some patients do qualify for funding from their insurance providers, many of our patients fund the entire procedure themselves. This is why we offer a range of financing options so that patients can split up the surgery payments into suitable monthly instalments. Dr. Liland offers financial plans for his patients from companies including CareCredit, Alphaeon Credit, Lending USA, and PatientFi. For more information on the financing options available you can Contact Us or view our Financing Page.


A blepharoplasty procedure can drastically vary in how much it costs and there are multiple different ways to finance the surgery. Patients who are interested in undergoing any surgical eyelid technique should book a consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who has expertise in facial surgeries such as blepharoplasty. During your consultation, you will receive a more precise surgery price as well as expert information on the techniques most suitable for your needs. Additionally, any patients interested in the procedure should continue to research the surgery as well as other treatments available, the recovery process, and any risks from undergoing surgery.


Please note: All materials on the Site, such as text, treatments, outcomes, photographs and images and any other material provided on the Site are for information purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding treatments. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Site.

Though the content of this blog has been carefully prepared, the author of this content is not a medical doctor and the content has not been reviewed by a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. 

Unless specifically stated, patients referred to in this blog have not received a blepharoplasty procedure from Dr. Liland. This blog does not endorse the work of any doctors or surgeons mentioned. Stories relating to patients’ personal experiences of a blepharoplasty procedure should be treated as anecdotal only.

Any application of the material provided is at the reader’s discretion and his, her, or their responsibility.