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How Much Does A Breast Augmentation Cost In Dallas, Texas?

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How Much Does A Breast Augmentation Cost In Dallas, Texas?

Breast augmentation surgery is one of the most common surgical procedures and one of the most frequently asked questions that potential breast augmentation patients ask is ‘How much will a breast augmentation cost in Dallas?’ However, this question cannot be simply answered with one figure as there are so many factors that will alter the costs of surgery. This blog aims to give potential patients insight into the average costs of the various types of breast augmentation procedures as well as the cost of different types of implants.


Average Cost Of A Breast Augmentation 

According to RealSelf, breast implants tend to vary in price depending on the implant type and the breast augmentation technique being performed. Therefore, there is a lot to take into account when trying to determine the cost of your breast augmentation surgery. This blog aims to help provide you with more specific insight into the various factors which impact the cost and help give you a better indication of how much your surgery may cost. To find out the exact cost of your breast augmentation surgery you should book a consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon so they can discuss your specific aims and provide an accurate quote. 

Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation Cost 

A Fat Transfer Breast Augmentation is performed less commonly than breast implant surgery but is still a common choice for breast enhancement. The main benefits of the fat transfer procedure are that other areas of the body are contoured with liposuction and the result to the breasts is more natural-looking.

Due to the fact liposuction, generally of multiple areas is performed, the cost of the procedure tends to be higher than for breast augmentations that use implants. According to RealSelf the average cost of a fat transfer breast augmentation is $9,200.

Although the initial cost is higher than the average cost for breast implant surgery it is important to note that the fat transfer can last longer since there is no possibility of ruptures and nothing will need replacing multiple times over a patient’s lifetime. This can mean that the initial cost is higher but the overall cost is lower, depending on whether the fat transfer lasts well.

Breast Implant Cost

RealSelf state that the average cost for Breast Implant Surgery is over $6,400. However, the actual cost can vary depending on what specific implants have been used as the material, the size, and the shape will alter the final cost of the procedure. 

We will give further information on the average cost of the various types of implant and it is important to take this into consideration but ultimately patients should choose the most suitable type of implant for them. Booking consultations with Board-Certified Plastic Surgeons who specialize in breast procedures are recommended so you can receive expert advice on the best implants for you. You can view our Breast Augmentation Gallery to view before and after pictures of our Dallas patients who have undergone a breast augmentation procedure.

Saline Breast Implant Cost 

Saline implants are the cheapest type of breast implant. They are made out of a silicone shell and are filled with a solution of saltwater. No future payments need to be made while the breast implants are in place as if the implants rupture the breast itself will deflate as the saltwater is absorbed into the body. This means that no additional costs for breast scans are necessary after you have your procedure. Although this does save money there is a slightly higher risk of the implants rupturing and needing to be replaced.

Silicone Breast Implant Cost 

Healthline explains that on average silicone implants tend to cost around $1000 more than saline implants. They additionally explain that silicone implants will result in future costs that saline implants won’t due to the fact that you will require breast screening every few years to check to see if the implants have ruptured. If a silicone implant ruptures it does not deflate, the silicone continues to sit in the breast and so the screenings are necessary to see if the implant needs replacing.

Gummy Bear Implant Cost 

Gummy bear implants tend to be the most expensive type of implant. They are a type of silicone implant and so they also require regular breast screenings to check to see if the implant has ruptured and silicone has leaked from the implant’s shell. However, these implants have frequently been stated as having a softer and more natural feel and so patients should spend time researching and deciding on their priorities for their surgery.

Breast Implant Replacement Cost

In some cases, breast implants rupture or a patient suffers complications with their implants and it becomes necessary to remove them. This is out of the patient’s control and does not mean they no longer desire implants which is why many patients choose to have their implants replaced.

However, it is often the case that patients change their mind and decide to have a different type, size, or material of implant inserted. The cost of breast implant replacement in addition to the cost of the first surgery is high. This is why we recommend patients do significant research into the types of implants as well as visit at least one Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to gain advice on the types of implant. Being sure of your implant choice is highly important and means you are less likely to spend additional money on having your implants altered.

Despite this, even if a patient is certain of the type of implant they want and has been happy with them for many years, breast implants do not last forever. Breast implants tend to last between 10 and 20 years meaning that at some point every patient will require their implants to be removed and replaced if they desire. This is, therefore, a cost that all patients should be aware of and take into account as a breast augmentation is not a one-off cost, there will be additional costs down the line.

Cost Of Breast Implant Removal

Simply having your breast implants removed is much cheaper than having implants inserted in the first place or than having the implants removed then replaced. Some women choose to have their implants removed as they have suffered various complications such as their implants rupturing and so wish to have them removed and not have a new implant inserted. Other women change their mind in the future and no longer desire to have any implants in place. Regardless of the reason, it is common to have implants removed.

The average cost according to the American Society of Plastic Surgery is over $3,000. This cost does not include additional anesthesia and facility costs and so the total can amount to far more than this. Therefore, having implants removed is cheaper than the original breast augmentation procedure but it is still a significant cost. This is why patients should spend significant time considering and researching their procedure.

How Much Do Breast Implants Cost In Texas 

Although the type of implant used is one of the main determining factors for the overall cost of the procedure, the geographical location you choose to undergo surgery in also alters the cost. This means that a Dallas breast augmentation will cost patients a slightly different figure to patients undergoing a breast augmentation in other states.

The American Board of Cosmetic Surgery provides patients with a procedure calculator to give a more accurate average price range for various procedures in different areas. The calculator allows you to enter your zip code so you can discover how much a breast augmentation procedure is likely to be in Dallas, Texas. This calculator shows that the cost of undergoing the procedure in Dallas is likely to be less expensive than if you were to have the procedure in various other states.

Financing A Breast Augmentation Procedure 

Any type of breast augmentation procedure will very rarely be covered by insurance providers. Unless a patient is undergoing the procedure after having suffered from an illness that has impacted their breasts then health insurance providers are unlikely to contribute to the procedure’s cost. 

This means the majority of patients fund the entire procedure themselves and so most surgeons offer a variety of financial plans to help with the cost of a Dallas breast augmentation procedure. Dr. Liland offers financial plans from companies including CareCredit, Alphaeon Credit, Lending USA, and PatientFi. All these companies offer loans or monthly payment plans to help you pay back the cost of your surgery in manageable amounts and so are a popular choice for many of our Dallas breast augmentation patients. It is important to view their websites and research whether this option is suitable for you.


This blog aimed to give insight into how much a Dallas breast augmentation will cost and what the various factors are that will impact this price. Any patients considering having a breast augmentation procedure should continue to perform research into the procedure itself as well as the recovery process and any potential risks of the procedure. It is important to have a consultation with a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon to ensure you gain expert advice on your surgery.

For a consultation with Dr. Liland, a Dallas Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon who has 30 years of experience and specializes in breast surgeries you can contact the office.


Please note: All materials on the Site, such as text, treatments, outcomes, photographs and images and any other material provided on the Site are for information purposes only and are not a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding treatments. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have read on this Site.

Though the content of this blog has been carefully prepared, the author of this content is not a medical doctor and the content has not been reviewed by a Board-Certified Plastic Surgeon. 

Unless specifically stated, patients referred to in this blog have not received a breast augmentation procedure from Dr. Liland. This blog does not endorse the work of any doctors or surgeons mentioned. Stories relating to patients’ personal experiences of breast augmentation procedures should be treated as anecdotal only.

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